is a fine art and art education student based in Lehigh Valley, PA. Our vision is to bring joy and color to traditional painting by making artwork that’s all about animals, nature, and humor.
Turtle Time
Way cool!
Healing Pigeon
Cow in Pink Bathroom
About Me
Fine art can be intimidating and untouchable, like really you aren't supposed to get too close to it. In my practice I make colorful acrylic paintings on canvas, wood panels and printmaking paper. I am passionate about the idea of making art that is for everyone, I want my work to be looked at, touched, talked about and laughed at. During my process I focus on color choice and research to find the most interesting backgrounds and just the right image to reference a silly creature. Painting is my escape from my everyday fears, anxieties and realities.
Let’s stay connected
Reach out about a project, collaboration or just to say hello!